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Membership Application/Renewal
General information
Membership fees

Select one that apply

Please submit your payment amount here!
Our staff member will check and contact with you. Thank your!
Vendor Application
General information

Select the event you are applying for

Are you a member of the Whitewright Area Chamber of Commerce?
Membership fees

Select one that apply

Total Fee
Please submit your payment amount here!
Our staff member will check and contact with you. Thank your!
Shells & Tails Skeet Shoot
General information

Select all that apply

- Include 2 tickets to the crawfish festival
- Sign at a Skeet Machine/Banner at Festival
- Include 1 ticket per shooter to the crawfish festival
- Sign at a Skeet Machine
- Free 1 year membership to the Whitewright Area Chamber of Commerce
Team entry includes 1 ticket per shooter
Number of additional entries
Membership fees

Select all that apply

Total Fee

** The Skeet Shoot and Crawfish Festival will take place regardless of the weather, and no refunds will be issued.No alcohol permitted at the Skeet Shoot.

Crawfish Festival is a BTOB event. You are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, Cornhole, Cowboy Golf, Horseshoes etc.

Please submit your payment amount here!
Our staff member will check and contact with you. Thank your!
Whitewright Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament
General information
Team 1
Team 2
General information
General information
Our staff member will check and contact with you. Thank your!
Total Fee
Fill in the form online or mail us the payment and registration form physically.
Mail to:
Whitewright Area Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 186, Whitewright, TX 75491
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